Fixing Sticky-Surfaced Older Furniture

This bedroom suite is an example of the classic 1970s furniture era, and is made from solid, warm-coloured Sapele Mahogany (also known as Sapeli, or Sapelli). It was in dire need of attention with all the surfaces sticky and most unattractive. This type of surface coating damage is not uncommon with furniture of this era because they were coated with popular-in-the-day nitrocellulose lacquer. Nitrocellulose was quite hard-wearing but could not sustain contact with heat, water, or chemicals so the the coating tended to damage easily through normal use unless the furniture was looked after very carefully.

Sapele Mahogany is a frequently exported African timber, and therefore of significant economic importance in tropical Africa. It’s commonly used for cabinetry, veneer, furniture, musical instruments, plywood, flooring, boat-building, turning and sundry craft items.

EARTHWOOD stripped the entire suite back to the beautiful natural timber which is always brand new underneath. It will always look brand new now after a strong two-pack polyurethane coating has been applied over the top of the rejuvenated wood. It’s beauty will be a source of admiration through the window of the surface coating for many a year to come.

Theresa Sjoquist