Step by step on how to repair sticky or crooked drawers
One of the most common problems we see at Earthwood is an older set of drawers made of beautiful timber but useless because the drawers won’t open or close properly. Older style quality cabinets made of wood are the best because of the longevity wood offers especially when it has been manufactured using good joinery materials and methods.
Sometimes candle wax applied to the runners on both drawer and the cabinet will suffice to get smooth action again, but if the drawers haven’t been waxed/lubricated and the rubbing action of wood on wood has left a groove in the bottom runner and/or worn the edge down on the drawer itself then it can be easily repaired without major work such as making new drawers. The following two photos show damage to the draw from poorly maintained (lubricated) runners.
This next photo shows the wear on the runner itself.
There is also a possibility to machine the drawer edge itself and reinsert a new piece of wood which will make in effect a brand new drawer side. (picture not shown)
The application of wax or graphite grease (available from hardware stores) is a must for smooth operation. Ideally it should be done every six months to a year to maintain smooth, damage-free operation.
If you need help, give us a call. 021-188-2884